Java cvprof Coverage Report for

    2   package;
    4   /**
    5    * The the final, closing brace of a method definition may be unexpectedly
    6    * highlighted 'not covered'.  This is due to implicit return bytecodes added
    7    * to void methods by the java compiler.
    8    */
    9   public class SyntheticReturns {
   10   	public void test() {
   11   		multiReturns();
   12   		//emptyMethod();
   13   	}
   15   	/**
   16   	 * Some Java compilers will synthesise 'return' bytecodes that are
   17   	 * actually unreachable bacause the return in a finally block is always
   18   	 * executed to exit the method.
   19   	 */
   20   	private void multiReturns() {
   21   		try {
   22   			new Object();
   23   		} finally {
   24   			return;
   25   		}
   26   		// J2SDK1.3's javac, at least, synthesizes a 'return'
   27   		// at the next line that will not be marked as covered,
   28 > 	}
   30   	/**
   31   	 * Even if a method is empty, it will still be flagged by the coverage
   32   	 * report if it isn't called.  A 'return' bytecode is synthesized by
   33   	 * the Java compiler, and this has not been marked in the coverage
   34   	 * profile.
   35   	 */
   36   	private void emptyMethod() {
   37 > 	}
   38   }